🍇 May 9th 🗓️ is World Moscato Day, the occasion to celebrate the history of these white wines! Originally from Piedmont, Italy, this wine is made from the Moscato Blanco grape, one of the oldest grapes in the country. It is believed it might have come from the Arabian Peninsula. Moscato is known for being light, dry, sweet, sparkling, with peachy, orangey, and nectarine flavors.
Moscato wine is famous for its sweet flavors of peaches and orange blossom. The word Moscato is the Italian name for Muscat Blanc – one of the oldest wine grapes in the world! Grown in France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Greece, Israel and even Australia. Wines are often dry to taste, but since the aromatics are so sweet and fruity your brain tricks you into thinking they’re sweet.
Moscatel (Hispanic name) and Muscat (Francophile name)

#worldmuscatday #muscatday #worldmoscatoday

#muscat #moscato #moscatell #moscatel #wines #winecalendar2023 #winemaker #vino #winetasting #winetime #instawine #wineflavor #winelovers #winemaker #enology #winestagram #flavors #aromas

Every last Friday of April is International Viognier Day #internationalviognierday . This year, it falls on April 28th 🗓️.
🍇 Viognier is a textural white wine grape used to make this wine in the Rhône Valley.
The Viognier grape produces full-bodied wines with natural aromatics such as notes of peach, pears, violets and minerality. It is naturally a low-yielding variety, and its quality depends on viticultural practices and climate

@cotesdurhone @chateaubeauchene

#viognier #viognierday #wines #winecalendar2023 #winemaker #vino #winetasting #winetime #instawine #wineflavor #winelovers #winemaker #enology #winestagram #blackgrapes #tannins #flavors #aromas

World Drink Wine Day

The perfect day to gather your friends and open a few bottles of your favourite wine. What are you choosing?
#worlddrinkingday #globaldrinkwineday #globaldrinkwineday2023
📍 @dobierzo 🍇 #mencia

#winepassion #rawwine #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winemaker #wineporn #winelover #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #winetasting #wineoclock
#vicatala #winepassion #rawwine #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winemaker #wineporn #winelover #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #winetasting #wineoclock

Fortunately today is another reason to enjoy a wonderful wine , it’s INTERNATIONAL SYRAH DAY
#internationalsyrahday #worldsyrahday #syrahday #internationalsyrahday2023 #worldsyrahday2023 #syrahday2023 #syrah
@monte_xanic @cmv_mx #mexico 🇲🇽 #bajacalifornia
#winepassion #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineinfluencer #winelover #instawine #wineinstagram #wineenthusiast #winetasting #winepassion #wineselection #wine #wines #wineoclock

🍇 Furmint
On the first day of February we are celebrating the INTERNATIONAL FURMINT DAY. This popular variety of the Carpathian Basin lends itself to an extremely wide range of winemaking styles. The diversity of Furmint is really spectacular ranging from sparkling wines and light, racy dry wines to more substantial, barrel aged wines and sweet late harvests, Tokaj Szamorodnis and Aszús
#FurmintDay #InternationalFurmintDay #WorldFurmintDay
#oremus #mandolas #tokaji #dry @temposvegasicilia @wine_and.soul

📜 Diploma Curso Avanzado de las DOP Vinos de Jerez y Manzanilla- Sanlúcar de Barrameda otorgado por AULA DE FORMACIÓN DEL CONSEJO REGULADOR DE VINOS DE JEREZ

@sherrywinesjerez #sherryacademy

#keeplearning #keeptasting #winetasting #winepassion #learnaboutwine #wineschool #learntotaste #winecourse #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winelovers #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #wineoclock #winetime

📜 Diploma en Vinos de Rioja otorgado por Rioja Wine Academy
@rioja #riojawineacademy #docarioja

#keeplearning #keeptasting #winetasting #winepassion #learnaboutwine #wineschool #learntotaste #winecourse #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winelovers #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #wineoclock #winetime

@acsommeliers @wine_and.soul

#vicatala #winepassion #rawwine #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winemaker #wineporn #winelover #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #winetasting #wineoclock #winetime

Un brindis 🥂🥂🥂
#happynewyear #feliçanynou #felizañonuevo
#bubbles #winetime #wineoclock #winepassion #wineenthusiast

Estoy muy emocionado de que @rack_and_return confíen en mí y me hayan dado la oportunidad de ser parte de su equipo, para impartir los cursos #wset1 y #wset2
Como #winelover intentaré transmitir y compartir mi pasión, conocimientos y experiencias.

📆 Nos vemos el domingo 19 de septiembre a las @loft.153 para WSET1
Y los días 1, 2 y 3 de octubre para WSET2

Salud 🍷

#wset #keeplearning #keeptasting #winetasting #winepassion #learnaboutwine #wineschool #learntotaste #winecourse #rawwine #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winelovers #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #wineoclock #winetime

Vinos de Huelva @consejoreguladorcondadohuelva … en Lanzarote 😱
💥 Misterio Orange 🍊 🍇Moscatel de Alejandría, vendimia tardía, encabezado y macerado con piel de naranja
💥 Ricahembra 🍇 Zalema y Pedro Ximenez
💥 Carámbano 🧊 Vino de Hielo 🧊 🍇 Moscatel de Alejandría y Zalema
#winepassion #rawwine #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineinfluencer #winegeek #winemaker #winelover #winelovers #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #winetasting #wineoclock #winetime #winetasting #volcanicwines #vinosvolcanicos #lanzarote #canaryislands #canarias #huelva #andalucia

Disfrutamos de un espectacular TASTING de 5 VINOS CANARIOS de variedades autóctonas de las ISLAS AFORTUNADAS, gracias a todos los participantes
👩‍🏫 Presentado por Nika Shevela @nikashevela de Wine Alphabet @winealphabet , Embajadora de Vinos de Canarias
Con la colaboración de Ana Lucia Lopez @lopezpalaciosbodega , Pedri Sanchez @vinoteca_pedrosanch @bodegaguayong y la Asociación de Sumilleres y Catadores Canarios
🍽 acompañado y maridado con delicatessen típicos de Canarias
📍 en nuestra maravillosa terraza del coworking space loft153 @loft.153
@canary.wines @dovalleorotava @vinosdelanzarote #doabona @dotacoronteacentejo @vinos_de_la_palma @doelhierro @dograncanaria @ycoden @vinosd.o.plagomera #dovalleguimar
@ana.angelica.hernandez @bodegabermejo @torrespecis @borjaperez_viticultor @lopezpalaciosbodega @vinoteca_pedrosanchez @bodegaguayonge
#lovewine #volcanicwine #vinodecanarias #winepassion #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winegeek #winemaker #wineporn #winelover #winelovers #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #winetasting #wineoclock #winetime

Marla has 2 great passions: WINE and MUSIC
Come and taste 4 wines with personality, low intervention of small and medium-sized wineries away from industrialization.
Paired with YOUR favorite music and our exquisite delicatessen
It will be a great experience for the senses, don’t miss it!!
🗓 Wednesday, July 7
🕰 at 7.00 p.m.
📍 on our wonderful terrace in the coworking space loft153 @loft.153
@marlasom @closterroir @alma_vinos_unicos_ @vinsalemanys @radioprimaverasound @monica_sande @jaumesadurni @smoke.foodie
#winepassion #rawwine #wineanddine #winemoments #wineselection #winetime #wineandfood #wineinfluencer #winegeek #winemaker #wineporn #winelover #winelovers #instawine #wineinstagram #vi #vino #vinos #wine #wines #wineenthusiast #winetasting #wineoclock #winetime #music #passion

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Loft153 Consell de Cent 153, Barcelona

Marla tiene 2 grandes pasiones: el VINO y a MÚSICA

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